uu lsysmjrlau tjeks o¾Ykj,g fmkS b|,d ;sfhkjd'

Jan 08, 2022 12:40 pm    Views: 6603

uu lsysmjrlau tjeks o¾Ykj,g fmkS b|,d ;sfhkjd'
ta iEu o¾Ykhlau uu rÛmEfõ jeäysá úhg t<eöfuka miqjhs
È,aydks talkdhl

ßÈ ;Srfha tla ld, mßÉfþohla ,shejQfKa wehf.a kughs'

k¾;k fl!Y,Hh yd u,la fuka iqmsfmk wehf.a iskyj ksidu ,xldfõ “Y%S foaú” f,iskao wehg kï mgne÷Ks'

uE;l§ wehj l;dnyg ,lajqfKa cx.s fydrd Ñ;%mgfha m%Odk NQñldj ksrEmKh lsÍfuka wk;=rejhs'

fldfyduo fï ojiaj, Ôúf;a@

Ôúf;a b;d fyd|hs'

cx.s fydrd Ñ;%mgh ;sr.; ùu;a iuÛ wdkafoda,kd;aul m%;spdr ,efnk nj wdrxÑhs@

Tõ úúO j¾.fha m%;spdr ,efnkjd' lsisu flfkla uQKg lsisu m%;spdrhla olajkafka keye' yenehs fndfyda fokl= ta ms<sn|j ,shd ;sfnkjd uu ÿgqjd' uf.a ld¾h uu ksu l<d' fm%ala‍Ilhkag ;ukag isf;k foa m%ldY l< yelshs' wyl hk l;kaor uu wefÛa .dj.kak fldfydu;a leue;s keye' tajf.au tajg l,n, fjkafk;a keye'

tu Ñ;%mgfha jeäysáhkag muKhs o¾Yk wjia:d lsysmhla Tng ksrEmKh lsÍug isÿfjkjd' th wNsfhda.hla jqfKa keoao@

uu jeäysáfhla ksid ta o¾Yk wjia:d ug wNsfhda.hla jqfKa keye'

óg fmr;a Tn tjeks o¾Ykj,g fmkS b|,d ;sfnkjd fkao@

Tõ lsysmjrlau uu tjeks o¾Ykj,g fmkS b|,d ;sfhkjd' ta iEu o¾Ykhlau uu rÛmEfõ jeäysá úhg t<eöfuka miqjhs' ta ksid ug th .egÆjla jqfKa keye'

,efnk fpdaokd ksid ta pß;h ksrEmKh lsÍu ms<sn|j miq;eùula ;sfhkjo@

lsisfia;a miq;eùula keye'

cx.s fydrd Ñ;%mgfha Tn rx.kfha fhfokafka wÆ;a mrïmrdfõ rx.k Ys,amshl= iuÛhs' ta iqixfhda.h ms<sn| Tnf.a yeÛSï fln÷o@

uu miq mrïmrdj iuÛ lsysmúgla jevlghq;= l<d' rx.kfha mßK;Ndjh ,efnkafka la‍fIa;%fha /£ isák ld,h yd odhl jk ks¾udKj,ska ,;a w;aoelSu u;hs' la‍fIa;% ld,h;a iuÛ rx.k lghq;= .=Kd;aul ;;a;ajhg m;afjkjd' Tjqka ;reKhs jf.au wfma mrïmrdfõ fkdfjhs lshd fn§ula keye' Tjqka iuÛ i;=áka jf.au iyfhda.fhka uu jev lghq;= l<d'

,xldfõ “Y%S foaú” hk wkaj¾: kdufhka ye¢kajQ w;S;hg mshuka lf<d;a@

uu la‍fIa;%hg meñKs uq,a ld,fha§ ug Y%S foaú f,i úreOdj,s ,enqK;a uu uf.a .Dyh ;=< uf.au wkkH;djla f.dvkÛdf.k yudrhs' ta ksid ldf.aj;a kula ug wjYH keye' la‍fIa;%hg meñKs uq,a ld,fha k¾;khg ola‍I ksid tfia ye¢kajqj;a j¾;udkfha uf.a .uka uÛ foi yeÍ n,kúg tlS iudk ks¾Kdhlhka uu ì| fy<d wjidkhs' ;reK úfha§ ;rejlg iu lrk úg thska f,dl= úkaokhla iy f,dl= W;af;ackhla ,enqjd' wo ta .ek l,amkd lrkúg is;g i;=gqhs'

Tnf.a iuld,Sk rx.k Ys,amSkshka yd ii|k úg k¾;kh ;=<ska Tnj jvd;a lemSfmfkkjd fkao@

Tõ' thg fya;=j uu wjqreÿ kufha mgkau k¾;kh yeoEÍuhs' uu ie,iqï lf<a k¾;k Ys,amskshla ùughs' kuq;a wyUq f,i ug rx.k ld¾hhg msúiSug wjia:dj ,enqKd' ta ksid idfmala‍Ij uu iuld,Sk rx.k Ys,smskshka w;r lemSfmfkkjd we;s'

ߧ ;srh ;=< iod;ksl ;re j¾;udkfha ìysfkdjkafka wehs@

w;S;hg idfmalaIj j¾;udkfha Ñ;%mg ks¾udKh jkafka b;du;a wvqfjka' ta jf.au iskud Yd,d msÍ b;sfrkafk;a ke;s ;rï' wo m%n,u udOH njg m;aù ;sfnkafka fg,súIkhhs' tlS udOH ;=<;a fjka fjkaj y÷kd.; fkdyels ;rï rx.k Ys,amSka yd rx.k Ys,amskshka fndfydauhla isákjd' Tjqka ;=< uu taldldÍ iajNdjhla olskjd' taksidu ixLHd;aulj lemSfmfkk rx.k Ys,amSkaj olskafka b;du;a wvqfjka'

Tn jHx.fhka lshkafka kjlhka ;=< ;ukag wdfõKsljQ wkH;djla fkdue;s njo@

uu is;kafka wmg ,enqKq wjia:djka Tjqkag fkd,efnk ksid Tjqkag wkH;djla f.dvkÛd .ekSug wmyiqhs lsh,hs' rEmjdysksfha taldldÍ §¾> fg,skdgHj,ska rx.k m%;sNdjla f.dvkÛd.kak neye' Tyqka ckm%sh ;,fha isáh;a fyd| k¿fjla úÈyg yd fyd| ks<shla úÈyg f.dvkefÛkak ,efnk wjia:djka wvqhs' ckm%sh Odrdfõ fg,skdgH /,af,a m%;srEm f.dvkÛd.kak wmyiqhs' WodyrKhla f,i iaj¾Kd u,a,jwdrÉÑ wlald .;af;d;a .f,a flgqjd yd iudkj wmg isákafka tmuKhs' rx.k la‍fIa;%hg wjYH jkafka ndysr fmkqug tyd .sh olaI;djka msßmqka tjka mqoa.,hka lshd uu úYajdi lrkjd'

jdÑl wNskfhka f;drj isÿl< ,fï uf.a i|hs, Ñ;%mgh Tnf.a rx.k m%;sNdfõ fjkiau me;slvla fmkakqï lsÍula fkao@

Tõ' tlS pß;fha .eUqre iajNdjh ug f;afrkafk miqld,Skjhs' ta pß;fha wehf.a yඬ wefikafka wjia:d foll§ muKhs' tlS fonia lsysmhla o%úv NdIdfjka lSug isÿùu;a f,dl= wNsfhda.hla' tu pß;fha wiSre iajNdjh fkdoefkkafka tu Ñ;%mgfha wOHlaIjrhdf.a ola‍I;dj yd ifydaor rx.k Ys,amSkaf.a yelshdj th;a iuÛ taldnoaO jk ksihs'

l,d la‍fIa;%fha weiQ msrE ;eka we;s l=,lfha m%udKd;aul wvqùu m%;sNdmQ¾K rx.k Ys,amSka ìys fkdùug iDcq f,i n,mEï lrkjd fkao@

iEu la‍fIa;%hlu l%ufõoj, nd, iajNdjhla j¾;udkh ;=< oel.kak mq¿jka' w;S;fha pß;hla fjkqfjka l< lemlsÍï j¾;udk mrïmrdj ;=<ska oel.kak wudrehs' Tjqka tlg Èk lsysmhla ;=< ks¾udK fndfyduhla lsÍug W;aidy lrk ksid tla ks¾udKhlg f,dl= wjOdkhla §ug wmyiq fjkjd' uu o¾Yk ;,hlg .shdu f*daka tlj;a mdúÉÑ lrkafka keye' o¾Yk ;,hlg f*daka tlla /f.k hEu uu lsisúgl;a wkqu; lrkafka keye' rÛmEfï§ wjOdkh b;du;a jeo.;a' uu th wl=rgu ms<smÈk flfkla'

;=reKq úfha§ Tn jeä jYfhka rx.kfhka odhl jqfKa jdKsc Ñ;%mgj,g' ta ksid rx.kfha Wmßuh biau;= lsÍug Tng fkdyels jqKdo@

uf.a rx.k Ôú;fha bKsu. njg m;ajqfKa jdKsc iskudjhs' ta jf.au uu la‍fIa;%hg md ;nkafk;a tlS iskudfjkqhs' uf.a jhi;a tlal oekaug jdKsc Ñ;%mgj, rÛmEug wjldY ysñfjkafka keye' iskaÿ lsh,d" kgk oÛldr fmïj;shf.a NQñldj oeka ug ksrEmKh lsÍug wjia:dj ,efnkafka keye' uu ;j;a úhm;a jqK;a h:d¾:jd§ pß; ksÍmKh l< yelshs' ta ksid ;=reKq úfha§ jdKsc Ñ;%mgj,g jeä jYfhka odhlùu uf.a me;af;ka wjdisiy.; ;;a;ajhla fkdfjhs'

wOHlaIKhg" ksIamdokhg fhduqùug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jla ;sfnkjo@

wfmda keye' tlS la‍fIa;%hka folgu meñfKkakg n,dfmdfrd;a;=jla keye'

wkd.; n,dfmdfrd;a;= fudkjdo@

j¾;udkhg uqyqK§uhs tlu wkd.; n,dfmdfrd;a;=j'


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